
One heart

Jesus never wanted His followers’ money. He only wanted their hearts. Jesus was not excited about huge crowds. He only wanted wholehearted followers – true, though few. Jesus never wanted to be a king though they wanted to make Him one. He was already a King, He said, of a far greater everlasting Kingdom. When you encounter Jesus in the Bible, you’ll quickly find out that He’s making a claim over all of you and not merely asking you to subscribe to a philosophy, ideology, religion or a set or rituals. When Jesus calls someone to follow Him, He wants all or nothing. All your heart or none of it. He is not interested in anything in-between. A complete and willing heart – though imperfect – is what He seeks. I wrote this poem reflecting on this truth, seeking to respond.

Big dreams and schemes have I none
But a struggling heart have I that is one:
Though imperfect, longs to know and love You!
And offer worship, spiritual and true!

Incline my intentions toward Your purposes
That in Your ways I may continually press!
Forgetting what is behind and looking forward,
Seeking more and more to obey Your Word.

Grant a greater desire to love Your commands!
Help me realize they always lead to a blessed end
Though the path may not be smooth,
They are good – an unfailing foundation in my youth!

Open my heart to see treasures unknown:
Heavenly rewards which money cannot own,
But only eyes of faith can see and live for!
May I desire them more than a penthouse or super-car!

Lift the burdens and cares of my poor heart
That weigh me down, seeking to tear apart
my undivided love and devotion for You!
Fill it with fresh strength and every day, renew!

I’m pleading with You, my dear Lord
Let me never stray, even if the way seems hard
Help me press on and endure till the end!
Every day, grace, strength and mercy send!

My life is bound in You my Savior!
Who else have I in Heaven and here?
Only let me live in Your presence all day long
Seeking to please You alone, hating all wrong!

Unite my heart to fear Your Holy name
Let me desire not riches, pleasure or fame!
But strive to have one heart that is wholly Yours alone –
Beating every moment to live for the Holy One!

  • Psalms 119:18 Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law. [ESV]
  • Psalms 86:11 ​Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. [ESV]

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